Reserved Parking Terms and Conditions

  • All reserved parking spots are for the sole use of Calgary Transit customers.

  • Reserved parking is available between the hours of 2:00 am and 10:00 am weekdays only. Parking stalls that remain vacant after 10:00 am and on weekends are available for free parking. Overnight parking is not permitted.

  • You are able to register up to five (5) license plates but activate up to three (3) license plates at a time. However, only one vehicle can be parked at any time for each spot you have reserved.

  • Customers are responsible for updating and activating the licence plates listed in the Licence Plate List. Failure to do so prior to noon the day before the vehicle is parked in a Reserved Parking Stall may result in the ticketing and/or the impounding of any vehicle that is parked in a Reserved Parking stall at the customer’s sole risk and expense.

  • A vehicle must not be backed into a Reserved Parking stall. If a vehicle is backed into a Reserved Parking stall, the vehicle may be ticketed and/or impounded at the customer’s sole risk and expense.

  • Reserved parking stalls are non-transferable. If it is confirmed that any customer is trying to sell/transfer their reserved parking stall to another customer, it may result in cancellation of the reserved parking account.

  • Reservations can be cancelled online. Sign into your myID account, select “Open a Service,” then “Calgary Transit (CT) Reserved Parking.” Click “Manage Reserved Parking” to make any changes or cancel your reservation. Refunds are not available for the current month.

  • Parking fees are due in advance on the first (1st) day of each month. Existing customers that have not made payment by the 1st of the month will have their reserved spots revoked and offered to customers on the waitlist.

  • A reminder email will be automatically sent to all reserved parking customers on the 22nd of the month to remind them that payment is due. Failure to receive this email does not remove the customer's responsibility for payment on the 1st of the following month.

  • Customers are responsible for ensuring their reserved parking spots are paid for each month; and that all required information is kept current (i.e. licence plate numbers, email addresses, etc.).

  • Customers on the waitlist will be notified of an offer for a specific month in the order of priority as spaces become available to reserve their spot. If the customer does not reserve the spot within 24 hours, they will be removed from the waitlist and the spot will be offered to the next customer on the waitlist.  Spots are made available for a specific month and cannot be held for subsequent months.

  • There is no reduction of reserved parking fees for reservations made after the first of the month.

  • Customers are responsible for parking in designated reserved parking stalls and for general parking etiquette. For ticket concerns on parking violations, contact the Calgary Parking Authority (CPA) at

  • Neither The City of Calgary nor the Calgary Parking Authority is responsible for loss or damage however caused to vehicles and or vehicle contents. The reserved parking fee covers the sale of parking privileges only and does not include bailey custody or liability for vehicles and their contents.

  • The cost for reserved parking is subject to change.
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